Peak Hurricane Season-What you need to know!

Peak Hurricane Season-What you need to know!

hurricanewaringsignWhile Hurricane season started in June..the peak season is on the horizon, in 2012 Superstorm Sandy visited us late October, the year before that we were hit with Irene in August.

FEMA offers some great resources on building a disaster kit and a family communications plan.

Please click the links for some helpful information.

Many of us learned the hard way that being prepared is key. Coorprating with local authorites and agencies is also extremely important, if your asked to evacuate you must do so!

Also, please understand that your homeowners policy will not cover damage as a result of flood or storm surge, if your concerned please get a flood quote now, as all flood policies have a 30 day waiting period to become effective.

The Salem Oak Agency in partnership with The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has recently added a Flood Information Center to our website.

Anyone can use the FLOOD INFORMATION CENTER to understand the risk of flood
as it could affect them.


Flood Risk Scenario Tool
Cost of Flooding Tool
The Levee Simulation Tool

We encourage our clients and all consumers to educate themselves about Flood Risk before it happens, and of course protect yourself with a Flood policy!

3 inches of water in your home can cost $15,000 or more in damagePlease call us today at (877) 587-2886 to find out how much a flood policy will cost you. You may be surprised that it is an affordable way to give yourself peace of mind.